Today I…

…was told by my naturopath that I would have to give up dairy, eggs, and gluten for the next two weeks to find out what’s wrong with my body.

this is how I currently feel





All I want to do is eat a big bowl of spinach dip with a whole baguette right now.


55/365: “If at home you do not find us, leave a note that will remind us”

The people who lived in the farmhouse before us were the cutest of old couples. The husband did a lot of woodworking and left a lot of little projects like this around the house. It’s the little things you know?

Hipster Hobbits

So I have this thing for fantasy novels. I really do count J.R.R. Tolkien and George Martin as my homies. In my mind, there is nothing better than sitting down and getting lost into a novel the size of a small house.

But I digress, I just wanted to show you some of Noelle Stevenson’s (aka Gingerhaze, aka the creator of the webcomic Nimona) art work. It’s really funny, and makes me happy. Hipster hobbits? I’m down. A badass version of Scooby and the gang? Sign me up. Throw in a wee bit of Dr. Who art, and original things, and you’ve got yourself a deal.

I want all of her witty art on my walls, and I want it now!

Purchase lovely art here


48/365: Hey, hi. This is my smirky face up close. It’s blurry, and I like it like that.

49/365: This is Can. She REFUSED to sit still for a nice photo. This was the best I could do.

50/365: Nothing to see here…had acupuncture today and ended up on the wrong side of nauseous. I’ve been laying in the dark for the past 6 hours trying to remedy my headaches to no avail.